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VFW & Ross NAACP Scholarship Application Period Still Open

Photo Courtesy of Word Press

Presented By Atomic Speedway

VFW Post 108 and the Ross County NAACP are announcing that the application period for the Alonzo Lenoir Memorial Scholarship is now open until June 14th.

Two scholarships will be awarded to Ross County Graduating Seniors in the amount of $1,500 each.

To be eligible a student must have a family member who is a Veteran or currently in the Armed Forces, including the Reserve & National Guard.  Also, an eligible recipient can be someone who will be a Cadet at a Military school or ROTC program (Excluding High School Junior ROTC).The eligible recipient must have a scholastic achievement of at least a 2.5 grade average or above.

Applications can be picked up at “Lorene’s Store of Everything”, at 131 West Main Street, Chillicothe (740) 773-8016 or you can send an email to & request an application be sent to you.

All applications must be turned in no later than Monday, June 14th, 2021.

For any questions, please call Ross County NAACP President, Adrienne L. D’Souza at 740-466-5280.

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