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SOCKTOBER: Chillicothe Rotary Makes Donation to The Salvation Army

A collection of socks for the Rotary's SOCKTOBER service project.

Article presented by Tomlinson Insurance Agency

More than 830 pairs of socks and $1,500 were collected by the Chillicothe Rotary Club during their October service project called “Socktober”.

Club President, Bill Knoles says “The 6690 Clubs are campaigning on this. Soctober was something that kinda caught my eye and hit close to home.” The Rotary’s 6690 District is made up of clubs in Columbus and Southeast Ohio.

The club heard a presentation by the recipient, Lt. Travis Payne, Pastor of the Salvation Army Corps Community Center at 171 East 4th Street in Chillicothe, Ohio. The Rotary followed up with the donation of the socks collected and their financial contribution to further assist the Salvation Army’s local efforts to help the homeless.

“The socks help us out a lot” said Payne. “The homeless in the area still know the Salvation Army is a place they can come and wash their clothes, come and get a shower… A lot of them come and they need socks or they need some kind of under garment. This (donation) allows us not to run out anytime soon.”

Payne and Youth Worker, Ricky Cook have been in Chillicothe serving The Salvation Army for about a year as a team. Both are native to metropolitan areas, Payne from Pittsburgh and Cook from Cincinnati. They were impacted by The Salvation Army during their youth and both were drawn by Christ back to serve the Corps now in their adult years.

Payne says the annual Christmas Distribution to the community is December 18th when the needy receive gifts donated to The Salvation Army. While one might think the many who come to the distribution request toys, but Payne said he’s learned the requests are more for their daily needs.

The annual Kettle Bell Campaign begin November 18th at area shopping designations. Payne says the monies collected by bell ringers help raise funds to further the mission of the Corps. “That bell helps feed children. That bell helps clothe children. That bell helps us to continue to serve the families of this community year round.”

Their goal for 2023 is $33,000. “Kettles over the last few years have struggled as a whole since Covid” said Payne. “Not as many people are keen to come out and stand in freezing temperatures in front of a store. It’s long hours, but if you come and volunteer for us, you can pick your hours.” In previous years, the Chillicothe collection had reached as high as nearly $80,000.

To volunteer for the kettle campaign, call The Salvation Army 740-774-2760 or apply in person at the Community Center.

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