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RCCVB Awards 13 Organizations Grant Funding To Promote Local Activities

Presented By Atomic Speedway

(CHILLICOTHE) – The Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau is excited to announce that it has awarded $20,000 in grant funding to thirteen organizations through its Promotional Assistance Program. This Program allows the Bureau to aid local attractions with their promotional efforts for their organizations and activities to raise awareness of Ross County and increase the potential for tourism.

The direction for funding this year was to provide GAP funding to organizations. By amending a stipulation that limited the Program to organizations or activities within their first five-years of existence, the Bureau was able to help support many long-term attractions as well as new events. The Bureau felt this amendment was necessary to assist as many organizations as possible to best ensure a successful 2021 tourism for Ross County.

“It was important to the Bureau to adjust the Program this year to allow for funding consideration of the permanent attractions that bring visitors to Ross County. We wanted to support the efforts of newer events, but also knew that our long-term partners suffered, and they needed the opportunity for assistance” shared Melody Young, Executive Director.

The Bureau would like to announce that the following organizations received funding through this Program: Mighty Children’s Museum, Southern Ohio Forest Rally, Buckeye Off Road Expo, The Scioto Society’s “Passion of Dracula”, the Chillicothe Restoration Foundation, The Buck Fifty, Chillicothe Halloween Festival, Ross County Genealogical Society, Feast of the Flowering Moon, Adena Mansion & Gardens, Chillicothe Trails, Chillicothe Paints, and Paxton Theatre.

Here’s the breakdown:
$3,000: Adena Mansion & Gardens
$2,200: Southern Ohio Forest Rally
$2,000: Buckeye Off Road Expo; Chillicothe Restoration Foundation; Scioto Society
$1,500: Chillicothe Halloween Festival; Feast of the Flowering Moon; Mighty Children’s Museum; Ross County Genealogical Society
$1,000: Chillicothe Trails 
$800: Paxton Theatre
$500: Chillicothe Paints; The Buck Fifty

“We are excited that tourism weathered the pandemic, and that we could continue this Program to help partners,” stated Young. “Together, with our partners and community, we are ready to safely welcome visitors back and the Bureau is dedicated to leading the way in recovery efforts for Ross County tourism.”

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