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Older Driver Safety

The Ohio State Highway Patrol Sign at the Chillicothe Post

Presented By Hometown-Motors, Inc.

Talking with an older person about their driving is often difficult. Most of us delay that talk until the person’s driving has become what we believe to be dangerous. At that point, conversations can be tense and awkward for everyone involved. But there are things you can say and do to make those conversations more productive and less tense.

Learning How to Understand and Influence Older Drivers​ will help you support an older driver’s needs, as well as find community resources that can help put your older-driver plan into action. If you have decided to initiate a conversation with an older loved one about driving safely, take these three steps:

  1. Collect information;
  2. Develop a plan of action; and
  3. Follow through on the plan.

You might also want to consider learning how to adapt a motor vehicle to accommodate the unique needs of an older driver and discussing it with your loved one.

For more tips on how to handle the delicate subject of driving safety with much older loved ones who are still driving, go to our link to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration website on the following link.


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