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Litter Media Spotlight: The Hope Partnership Project

Presented by McDonald’s, I’m Lovin’ It!


Dr. John Gabis, Jack Everson and Audrey Barker of the Hope Partnership Project sat down with Mike Smith and our cameras of Litter Media Spotlight for an update on how they are working with area drug addiction treatment and recovery centers to tackle the opioid crisis in the region.

Dr. John Gabis, the former coroner for Ross County and now Hope Partnership Project President, says HPP picked up where the Heroin Partnership Project started. It took the group to another level, once they realized there were more opioid addiction problems that needed to be addressed, other than just addiction to heroin.

HPP Vice President and former Chillicothe Mayor Jack Everson said his “Ah’ ha moment” came while riding with Chillicothe Police Officers on 9-1-1 calls to residences where a drug overdose had occurred. That is where he said it became clear that some of the early steps- needed to be actively involving more resources in the community in the outreach of helping those in addiction, not just making it “a law enforcement issue.”

Coordinator Audrey Barker says her day-to-day duties include working with those trying to organize with the “workers in the field”, to ensure resources are used to their maximum potential.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the overall number of overdose cases, according to Dr. Gabis. However, the OD death rate increase has been lower than the overdose increase rate, thanks to the administration of Narcan for those found to be in opiod overdose.

But, Hope Partnership Project’s work doesn’t stop there, as they have coordinated efforts to make sure overdose survivors get immediate information on how they should proceed in getting help for their addiction.

The collaborative also works to bring addiction treatment/recovery groups together with their mission message of always looking for better ways on how the community can move forward in helping addicts find their way to recovery.

For more information on the Hope Partnership Project.

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