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January 19th Snow Creates Area Delays & Cancellations

Snowy back yard: Litter Media/Mike Smith

Article Presented By McDonald’s…

It hasn’t been the worst of Winter Storms, but the early morning snowfall of approximately 3-4 inches closed all area schools and created county snow emergencies in most of southern Ohio Friday January 19th, 2024.

Ross, Pike, Jackson, Scioto, Vinton, and Athens counties were all operating on Level 2 Snow Emergencies as of 9am- which means motorists should not travel unless their jobs require it. A Level 3, which thus far had not been called for any area county, would mean motorists are forbidden from driving unless they are first responders, road crews or are an essential worker.

Snow is forecast to taper-off to light snow or flurries Friday afternoon and evening, with little additioanal accumulation expected. The problem for the overnight and into Saturday is the forecast of extreme cold temperatures, which will not allow most of what is on the roads to melt. That will have to wait until Monday through next week, where much warmer weather is expected with highs in the mid to upper 40’s.

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