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Jackson Co. Health Reports Local Restaurant Employee Case of COVID-19

Presented by Hometown-Motors, Inc.

The Jackson County Health Department reported Sunday one of the four new laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the county is an employee at a local restaurant.

In the release made on the Health Department’s Facebook Page, the person is an employee for Dakota’s Roadhouse.

Stated in the release, “It was inevitable that a situation like this would occur within our county and there is a very high likelihood that a similar situation could happen at any public facing business within the county.”

Entering the weekend, Jackson County had a total of 19 cases of COVID-19, 11 recovered cases of 348 tested. The county is one of 53 in Ohio zoned as Level 1 per the Ohio Public Health Advisory rating introduced by Governor DeWine last Wednesday. Level 1 means “Active exposure and spread. Follow all current health orders.”

“Thankfully, this individual and the management of Dakota’s Roadhouse did everything that has been asked of them and acted swiftly and professionally” added the statement from the Health Department. “JCHD and Dakota’s Roadhouse management and employees worked in unison to review the guidance from the Ohio Department of Health, Governor Mike DeWine’s office and local plans to make sure that all appropriate measures are set in place.”

Part of the plan includes a “deep clean and sanitize the building in order to keep it safe for their patrons and employees. Currently there are no other ill individuals associated with this event.”

The Ohio Department of Health and JCHD remind citizens to wash their hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, cover coughs and sneezes and dispose of tissues properly and to maintain a practice of physical distancing with a spacing of at least 6 feet.

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