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Fout Wins Best of Show At The Best of Ross County Art Contest

Savannah Fout's Best of Show "The Art of the Mirror": Litter Media/Mike Smith

Article Presented By Rathkamp Financial…

For the second time in four years, Southeastern High School’s Savannah Fout has won the Best of Show at the Best of Ross County Art Contest, sponsored by the Pump House Center For The Arts in Chillicothe’s Yoctangee Park.

Fout’s pencil rendition of “The Art Behind the Mirror” took top prize in this her senior year at Southeastern, repeating an honor she won for her Taylor Swift painting in her sophomore year.

Litter Media’s Mike Smith spoke with Savannah Fout at the Opening Night event. Watch our interview below:

Contest Judge Nancy Crawford had this to say about the top entries: “The 2023 “Best of Ross County” includes some amazing and varied works of art! This is a wonderful opportunity for the students and teachers to display their talents. The show includes many different mediums and subjects. It was an exciting challenge for me to judge. The winning artworks displayed maturity and unique perspectives in a creative approach. Rosss County teens have outdone themselves this year!”

Other winners are as follows:
1st Place- Bayla Tucker-Heages of Chillicothe HS “The Girl in the Wind”

The Girl In the Wind by Bayla Tucker-Heages: Litter Media/Mike Smith

2nd Place- Josie Vallette of Unioto HS “Mixed Memories”
3rd Place- Audrey Wright of Unioto HS “Reylo”

Honorable Mentions:
Addison Mohan of Unioto “Through Her Eyes”
Camille Sparks of Unioto “Divine Feminine”
Meredith Renault of Unioto “Free Therapy”
Autumn Stanger of Unioto “Through The Wire”
Makayla Bennett of Unioto “Music in Bloom”
Paige Huggins of Chillicothe HS “Gazelle”
Alexis Bader of Unioto “Beauty Within”
Caroline Watts of Unioto “Seeing Gold”

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