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Former Reds Infielder Speaks at Annual Portsmouth Flood Wall Murals Banquet

Branch Rickey Mural on Portsmouth Flood Wall

Article Presented By Hometown-Motors, Inc.

(Portsmouth) – Fluor-BWXT was one of several sponsors for this year’s Portsmouth Floodwall Murals banquet held at Shawnee State University. Proceeds from the fundraiser help maintain the murals, which cost approximately $20,000 a year to maintain. The murals are located in the Boneyfiddle district in Portsmouth and span more than 2,000 feet, depicting local history from ancient mound-building and sporting events to the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant.

Darrel Chaney, a former infielder for the Cincinnati Reds, was the keynote speaker for the Portsmouth Floodwall Murals Baseball Banquet recently held at Shawnee State University. To his left is Bill Warnock, of Portsmouth Murals, Inc.,

The keynote speaker was Darrel Chaney, a former infielder for the Cincinnati Reds who played on the 1975 Big Red Machine World Champion Team. The banquet drew approximately 250 attendees and was supported by 27 corporate sponsors including FBP.

Portsmouth Murals Board Member Butch Stall said the murals are the largest outdoor art exhibit in the world by one artist, Louisiana native Robert Dafford.

“It is just amazing how many people view the murals. I run into folks from all over the world when I’m there,” Stall said. “These murals are more than art; they represent our culture, our history, and they help bring the community together. People are so proud of them. We really appreciate Fluor-BWXT’s support.”

Visitors can enjoy the murals by walking along Branch Rickey Way and reading storyboards found along the route or by downloading the Portsmouth Murals App for a self-guided audio tour.

Portsmouth Murals Inc., is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization. For more information, please visit

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