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FCA Scioto Valley Chapter Gives 2023 Impact Report

Article Presented By Kingston National Bank…

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes- Scioto Valley Chapter has shared their 2023 Impact Report with the community. Here is their information:

As we close 2023, we want you to know how thankful we are for each of you!  Your support and partnership this past year has been such a reflection of Christ’s love for each of us!  We are humbled and honored to be a part of the FCA team with you as we reach the next generation with the HOPE of Jesus Christ!

Below you will find our 2023 Impact Report. We invite you to read the stories and testimonies of how God is using FCA for His glory.  It is a true privilege to serve alongside you in ministering to athletes, coaches, volunteers and entire communities. There is no better encouragement than being on the Lord’s team with incredible teammates

As we look forward to the vision God is calling us to in 2024, would you prayerfully consider giving a special year-end gift or increasing your monthly giving by $25?


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