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Electric Power Scooters Becoming More Popular Modes Of City Transportation in Circleville

Presented By Rathkamp Financial

The City of Circleville is among the latest in Ohio to allow the electric powered Bird Scooters to be used as a mode of transportation within their corporation limits.

Bird works with local companies to host their scooters, which can be found parked in areas throughout the city. People pay as they use the scooter, then park them where they finish their ride. The scooters are then collected by the company and placed at locations where they are needed or are often used.

The Bird Scooter app allows it to be unlocked for one dollar, and costs approximately 15 cents per minute to drive within the City of Circleville. A monthly rental is also available for about $25 with unlimited rides.

Bird Scooters began operating in Circleville this spring.

Chillicothe Mayor Luke Feeney told Litter Media that Bird Scooters have inquired about coming to Chillicothe, but thus far, no agreement has been reached.

Litter Media reached out to Bird Scooters for a comment concerning their efforts to gain access to southern Ohio communities, but have not yet received a return call.

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