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Complete Streets Policy Survey Coming To Chillicothe

Chillicothe Downtown Barricade

Article Presented By McDonald’s

(Chillicothe) – The Creating Healthy Communities (CHC) program, funded by Ross County Health District, is partnering with the City of Chillicothe to develop a Complete Streets Policy.

The Complete Streets Policy will help make Chillicothe streets safe and streamlined for all users by implementing and maintaining projects such as bike lanes, crosswalks, green spaces, and sidewalks.

Community feedback will help develop policy planning. Please participate in the Chillicothe Complete Streets Community Survey and Public Walk Audit to provide feedback on how you want your streets to look!

September 9, 2022 is the deadline for the Complete Streets Community Survey and Walk Audit.

Ross County CHC was selected to attend 2022 Ohio Action Institute, a series of workshops for Complete Streets initial development. Complete Streets funding is through the Ohio Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control. Toole Design Group is providing technical assistance throughout this project.

Links to the Complete Streets Community Survey and Walk Audit can be found on the CHC webpage (see link below).

To learn more about Complete Streets visit the CHC webpage and view the informational video ( or contact CHC grant coordinator, Ciara Fox at

Link to CHC page HERE: