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Chillicothe Traffic Calming Program In Final Phase

Chillicothe Downtown Barricade

Article Presented By Classic Brands…

(Chillicothe) – The City’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program has entered the third and final phase with temporary pop-up demonstrations being installed in targeted areas. The program seeks to develop long-term solutions through public input, data collection, targeted traffic enforcement and temporary road or traffic pattern changes. The initial target areas include Watt Street, Yoctangee Park, Piatt and Allen Avenues.

The effort launched in March with the installation of data-collecting speed signs and a public survey. The data showed that up to 20% of traffic on these streets were traveling at 10+MPH above the posted speed limits. The public survey responses showed speed as the highest reported concern, with stop sign violations and pedestrian crossing safety concerns also reported. Next the Chillicothe Police Department conducted four weeks of targeted traffic enforcement. During that time, more than 60 speeding tickets or warnings were issued across targeted roads, in addition to 18 other traffic violations.

Now, the City is introducing temporary pop-up demonstrations of traffic calming strategies. “Pop-up demonstrations provide us an opportunity to introduce and test new ideas to slow traffic on our neighborhood streets,” said Mayor Luke Feeney. “We are able to educate the community on different tactics that can be used while testing the concepts in real-life to see if they achieve our goal to slow speeds and achieve more walkable, bikeable, and activity-oriented places.”

The City’s newly installed temporary tactics include:

  • Speed humps which require drivers to reduce their speed to maintain comfort.
  • High Visibility Crosswalks and Pedestrian Safety Islands reduce
  • Traffic Circles – Several demonstrations have been installed over the past week and installations will continue throughout the month. Speed data and public input will be collected throughout the demonstrations, and installations will last up to 30 days. Following the demonstrations, the Administration will determine the next steps for installation of permanent traffic calming measures, if warranted. The public is invited to follow along with this project by visiting Engage.ChillicotheOH.Gov.

pedestrian crossing distances and

exposure in an intersection and slows traffic by narrowing the roadway at intersections.

Add a round center island to intersections. These circles require drivers to slow

down and pay attention to their surroundings in order to maneuver around them.