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2021 Festival of the Bells Cancelled

Photo Courtesy of Word Press

Presented By Hometown-Motors, Inc.

While many of Ohio’s fairs and festivals are planning to reopen in 2021, The Festival of the Bells in Hillsboro will not be held.

The Festival of the Bells Committee, the City of Hillsboro, and the Highland County Health Department made that announcement in a social media post.

The committee stated- “Currently, it is too difficult to provide a safe event for our community, guests, artists and vendors. The potential for a large crowd in a confined area is a health concern. The decision was made with heavy hearts but with the best intentions in mind for all involved. Efforts will focus on a strong comeback for the 2022 Festival of the Bells.”

Governor Mike DeWine has already given the go-ahead for fairs and festivals to be held in 2021, with the stipulation that health guidelines be observed during their events, if they are still needed at that point.