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2020 Circleville Pumpkin Show Cancelled Due to Pandemic

Presented by Hometown-Motors, Inc.

Not since World War II has the Pumpkin Show not taken the streets of Circleville.

In a release on late Wednesday afternoon, “After much discussion and serious consideration the Board of Trustees of the Circleville Pumpkin Show have voted to cancel the 2020 Circleville Pumpkin Show due to the coronavirus pandemic protection orders for a Responsible RestartOhio which required continued closures of festivals and the safety requirements for, mass gatherings and social distancing.”

Board Vice-President Barry Keller says in the release “I know that the Board made the right decision for the community but it will be a challenge for many of the civic, fraternal, school and church groups who fund their charitable activities from their Pumpkin Show booths to find different funding sources and the loss of revenue to the local businesses from the many visitors the Pumpkin Show brings to our community after the pandemic closures many of them have endured will be difficult for them.” 


The mural in Downtown Circleville of the early years of the Pumpkin Show.
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